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Banana and skim milk diet - herb and glide milk fare

31-01-2017 à 17:04:46
Banana and skim milk diet
Hello friends, I found this special banana and milk diet last week on the Internet and thought to give it a try for 4 days to find whether it is really worth. But, before to tell you more about the banana and milk diet, you should know more about a miraculous product that you have to try in order to get rid of the unpleasant kilos and get back in a good shape. Also, the bananas are rich in fibers that help the body to eliminate the toxins and give the sensation of satiety. This diet just involves eating bananas and drinking milk for 4 days. There are many benefits of this special weight loss diet and it is proved be very effective in shedding extra pounds easily. However, it is suggested to have low-fat or skimmed milk for this diet, as it will not contain any fat. Breakfast: 2 Bananas and 1 cup of warm milk. Banana is very rich in vitamins and minerals, especially Potassium. P. You can eat the bananas and after drink the milk or you can do a banana and milk smoothie. For example, one banana has maximum 100 calories and one cup of fat-free milk under 80 calories. If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, this 1200 calorie mean plan might be helpful. Both the milk and banana have got many health benefits which help us stay fit during the diet. Below is the review of the milk and banana diet along with my findings (pros and cons). It is very important that during the diet plan you consume planter of water. The follower of this diet will be consuming less than 1000 calories per day, making him lose weight easily. This is just a sample menu and you can have these foods separately or mix them together for a delicious milkshake. Phen 375 will shape your body in no time and will help lose weight fast, healthy, simply, with zero effort and you will rediscover the good mood and appetite for life, as you should have. During this 3 or 4 days you consume less than 1000 calories per day and you will force your body to lose weight very fast. The banana and milk diet had many versions during the decades, but the principle is the same, to consume fewer calories and stay healthy.

The most popular version is the one in which you must consume 2 or 3 bananas with one cup of fat-free milk per meal. Click on the Phen 375 product to find more about this friendly product and to see how it helps million of people to become more attractive, healthy, confident, energized and sexy. One medium banana has 3 grams of fibers and 422 mg of potassium. The program was actually developed in the year 1934 by Dr. Kou Tea: Blend Of Super Teas For Healthy Weight Loss. While the Calcium is for strengthening the bones, Proteins are for developing muscles. Lunch: 2 Bananas and 1 cup of milk ( prepare a milkshake ). The advantages of the banana and milk diet. Well, let us look at the major benefits we get from these foods. If you want to lose more weight, you can start this banana milk diet after a week gap, but not immediately. The main logic behind this special menu was to make our body to consume fewer calories than usual, but still stay healthy. George Harrop. The Banana and milk diet has immediate results and you will lose the extra fat, but you will lose also from the muscle mass. Also find the 7 day GM Diet chart which helps you lose more than 5 kgs in a week. One of the most important minerals given by bananas is potassium. S: This diet should not be followed for more than 4 days continuously. Fiber helps in smooth digestion and flushes toxins from your body. So, by combining the total bananas (6) and milk (3 cups), you will not get more than 900 calories per day. The fat-free milk is the major supplier of calcium and protein, without having fat. The bananas are full of vitamins and your body needs them to function normally.

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Banana and skim milk diet

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